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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 4, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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with them. they're weird. yeah. they're definitely weird. -- captions by vitac -- complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7. >> good evening it's monday november 4th i'm gasia mikaelian. this is bay news at 7. they are tired of waiting for city hall to help. and now residents of robing oakland's rock ford disk district hiring private securities to protect their neighborhood. it started today in hope it is can help detour criminals. christian. >> reporter: talking to organizes he says he knows police can't be everywhere in the city at once. wanting to have extra eyes and
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ears on out on the streets tonight. today @ first day security officers from vma security are securitying oak district. targeted commuters. >> it freaks people out. and i think for r me after the accident that happened that was sort of like took note. >> reporter: neighbors like steve helped organize a security patrol. more than 600 subscribers are paying $80 heres to party of security. to keep an eye on them. other neighborrings, though, are worried about private patrols on their streets. >> i'd rather have the oakland police. their have the speedometer accident their trained. and the features of oakland. >> the city has opened a sock store across the street. >> reporter: les taylor opens three businesses along college
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avenue. and she says she welcomes more eyes and ears around town. >> i think anything we have out there is better than what we have now. >> reporter: i talkedded with with oakland police about an hour and a half ago and they say they welcome the extra patrols. this patrol is on a trial basis for now. that trial ends in february. the neighborhood could decide to continue the service at that time. we're live in oakland. ktvu channel 2 news. there have been more robberies targeting students this semester. we told you about a wrath of robberies on and near campus. in the fast few days campus police saying they called in officers on overtime and some working undercover. it doesn't appear the robberies are connectedded. warning students to stay off their cell phones to avoid being a target. we're learning more tonight about at fatal accident that
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claimed a life of a man crossing the street in a wheel char. it happened about midnight. one of the city's busiest and most dangerous intersections. friends of 31-year-old brian goodwin told us the tuberculosisly grad had just left a dinner and a buzz when the stand accident happened. he was crossing eastbound market street and struck by a car headed south on ouchtive why. >> it appears the light was green for traffic getting on to the free onramp. >> translator: driver stopped after the collision and investigators stay it appeared had has been traveling the speed limit. now to santa cruz why friends remembering a bicycle who died after being hit by a car. 40-year-old josh alpha was truck seven killed. he was a lie prior assistant at uc santa cruz. he was a talented and aspiring
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my situation. saying the 63-year-old driver officers he e had fallen asleep at the wheel. the driver crossed into on comping traffic and swerved to avoid a car striking the man. saying it's investigating. so far no charges have been filed. for the very first time the family of 13-year-old andy lopez is speaking out. they filed a wrongful death suit today in a shooting by an officer. >> the mother of 13-year-old andy lopez was call but angarias she called for justice. in spanish she said we want this killer to go to jail. he is sitting comfortable in his house right now while my son is dead in a freezer. lopez was walking through his neighborhood carrying his friends air soft bb gun. deputy erygel house was patrolling the area. he openedded fire on the teen
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after he called out to put the gun down and lopez agod did not respond. firing an independent autopsy of the team teen. >> translator: first shot that hit andy dropped him. his project refront to back, right to left. andy didn't point the rifle. there's physical evidence makes that absolutely impossible. >> reporter: goldstein the attorney for the county saying filing this lawsuit before the official investigation is complete could jeopardize the process. >> there's a real professional of interfere being the criminal investigation. from the county's pint of view we have confidence in the integrity of the santa row is a police department. and as well as the fbi that's involved in the investigation. >> reporter: repping families in civil suits against police departments before.
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representing a southern california teen paralyzed in an arrest involved shooting. awarding that teen $24 million. saying the suit does not specify how much their asking for in damages. that amount will be up to a jury to decide. in san francisco, ktvu news. there's a new twist in the case of lin spalding. who went missing then turned up dead in a stairwell 17 days later. an attorney representing five members of the sheriff's office alleging the story of a hospital employee seeing someone in the stairwell is all made up. >> i think think there was anybody that ever came and said hey, there was a dead pod body. i certainly haven't heard anything credible that seems to suggest that really happened. i think that's somebody's phantasiast fact. >> the sheriff's department provides sturt saying the hospital is cooperating with all investigations surrounding the case. livermother police
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burglaries that happened in the past week. going in and leave. cleaning out the availables in 15 minutes. and when no one answers finding a way to break in. in less than 30 minutes here the pleasant hill city council will meet in the regulation meeting gun sales. how close gun stores can be located to parks, stores and day kay providers. and stores would also be required to install surveillance cameras. going before voters in sunnyvale. notify police within 48 hours if their firearm is lost or stolen. requires firearms to be locketted up when not in owner's immediate possession. and gun stores would be required to maintain records of ammunition sales.
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>> it has to stop. and the only way we can do is that is maybe make people more aware that if you legally own a gun then take care of it better. >> opponents say the measure infringes on the gun owner's constitutional write. voters set to decide their own to fund more law enforcement. for the tax crieses will pay for 22 new police and code enforcement officers. but opponents argument there is no guarantee the money raised by measure c would be used on police. the measure c would raise sales tax to 9%. a very large clean yum project is underway today in the oakland estuary. lifting a 100-foot tug boat. it was left to rot decades ago. can be heavy polluters
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releasing oils and heavy metals into the water. the estuary has been a dumping ground for decades. >> unfortunately you have to find the owner first. >> id number is sometimes removed from the boat. hired experts to track down the most recent owners and recover up to $3.5 million being sent on the cleanup. expected to take place this thursday the company said it is raising the price of says from the 13-20 range up to $23-25. twitter plans to offer 70 million shares raising more than $2 billion. shares sold on the new york stocks exchange. games this month the dough industrial gains 2 points. housing steel and transportation sectors. san francisco mayor head lee talk a walk toward the
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market area today to talk about the neighborhoods during his temperature. several major tech companies and smaller businesses have moved to mid-market and are providing jobs. the biggest name is twitter that benefited from the tax break rather than move to south frisk. the mayor says some 5,000 housing units are also coming. we go with emergency responders inside the 4th bore. lessons learn that could save lives. tomorrow is opening day for gray ton casino. what about 101 traffic tomorrow? tell you why the chb is expecting the unexpected. tomorrow morning could be the coldest of the week. who may paining wake up with with frost come tomorrow morning. we will have a look at temperatures for your tuesday as well. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart.
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so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good.
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alameda county fire investigators say crews found marijuana plants today. a fire broke out on all the mob road. investigators say five dogs were rescued but two puppies died in the fire. no word on any arrest related to the discovery of the marijuana. investigators say a faulty gas line connected to a barbecue start the fire. and a heat lamp in the marijuana growth operation may have also been to blame. the caldecott for an up close look for at the new tunnel's safety features designed to save lives. >> just a few days after drivers and their passengers fled from a fire in the first caldecott bore fire units came in from the new 4th bore to see
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what miranda warning sis, awaits them. they also saw the numerous public escape portals to the 3rd bore. >> they've been coming in literally in baa tullians for the past week or so and really getting a better sense of the of the lay of the land. >> reporter: firefighters see this as a life saving field trip. >> there's manual pull station right here. >> the command staff and for companies and firefighters that train near the tunnel all the time it's very important we work tag and be able to communicate together. whether it's multicasualty incident or multivehicle accident here. >> reporter: the add mated tunnel toxic gas sensors has a sophisticated 24-7 control room that can instantly see what happens where. giant powerful fans can quickly blow toxic smoke outside. all of it so the drivers and
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passengers guided by lights, signs and loudspeakers can quickly get out on foot if necessary. this tunnel has many systems. but to employee toxic smoke out. first responders will still be critical. >> you have to have first responders go in and control the incident. >> reporter: scheduled opening two monday mornings from today providing all life safety tests allow the state fire marshal to certify it for public use. last week's deadly shooting at los angeles international airport is calling for arms present at screening locations. the saying it's considering developing a new class of tsa officers with law enforcement status. the federation of government employees national says a larger arms presence in screening aeros could help protect both tsa officers and the flying public. saying it will be reviewed at
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lax and airports across the nation. the gunman remains hely sedated. he went into his roommates room and asked to be dropped off at the airport. he eileened of the shooting after rushing to their parking lot. the 23-year-old is accused of kill canning a tsa officer. police assay whoever tried to start a fire at a fraternity house yesterday was intentionally trying to trap and kill people. someone deliberately caused a gas leek at the off campus building. a fran ternty member smelt gas. and contacted agents and asked them to join the investigation. they don't have any idea what the motive might have been. a major gray rights bill has passed a marriageable in the senate. it would extent presentations
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for gray, lesbian and transgender people. it's not clear if or when it might come up for a vote in the republican controlled house. saying it would lead to an increase in lawsuits. u.s. supreme court announced today it will not pick up a controversial case. oklahoma appealed to the high court asking the justices to ban the use of ru 4586 and other abortion drugs. saying it was struck doctors discretion when it is saver than a surgical alternative. similar abortion medication cases pending in other states. the miami dolphins have suspended one of their players after he reportedly sent threatening messages to a teammate. for what wases called conduct detrimental to the team. the target of the alleged text was john than martin. had he is a former stanford
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player who walked away from the dolphins last week to get helped with personal issues. the san francisco 49ers today parted ways with former call nomady. the team signed him last spring but he appeared in three games. the opening the bay area's inosine is just hours anow. the 10:00 a.m. the doors open to the grato, n casino. it is california's new es and biggest casino. the high patrol is preparing for the rush. >> reporter: a last bit of cleaning. the final touches. not confined to just graton casino opening day. on the streets that lead to it road crews painting fresh markings on black top and hung new signs in preparation for a rush in traffic starting tomorrow morning. but how much traffic and how bad will it with? >> we don't know to tell you
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the truth. >> reporter: extra officers will be on patrol for what is a wait and see proposition. >> we are planning for worst case scenario. backups. >> reporter: the operators of the $800 million graton casino expect a great opening but no numbers. >> 3,000 slot machines. 18 live poker tables. >> reporter: it is an attraction within highway 101 where heavy traffic could be a concern. it will be looking for a number of possible bottle necing ifs this will be on 101 northbound. and golf course drive the main exit to get the to casino. >> the marijuana worry is northbound 101 traffic backing up from park. >> like anything else plan for public safety we plan for the worst and hope for the best. >> saying it worked with the casino for a tuesday opening to get a feel for weekday traffic
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before the holiday weekend ahead. meteorologist rosemary has been in the weather center all afternoon tracking sprinkles. >> and tomorrow morning some of us may be shoveling that windshield of yours. perhaps a little bit of frost on the the windshield for us. we are already cooling off in the 50s. to lo 60s. 61 in oakland. 54 half-moon bay. these numbers actually up a few degrees. and temperatures this afternoon were notably warmer in most cases. the northerly breeze still blowing. 16-miles per hour in fair field. 13 in napa. no northwesterlily breeze in oakland. about 15-miles per hour. as we get into the evening houring the winds will relax just a little bit. showing you the circulation going on and why those northerlily winds continuing to
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blow at this time. we will pressure starting to build in. it will help to release those winds and ease up for tomorrow. and so we won't see the winds as brisk as we have seen over the last couple of days. but it's help to eat way that low cloud deck and we've seen plenty of sunshine from the coast and will continue with the sunshine for tomorrow. as we get into the overnight hours right around sun rice lasting until about 8:00 this area going to have a frost advisory for the valleys in the north bay. dropping all the way to about 2 degreeds this morning. may did the same thing for tomorrow. santa row is a at the airport reporting freezing conditions as well as the napa airport. low lying areas for the north bay going to see another cold start and that may be the patchy frost. and again your windshield. 33 santa row is a as we start tomorrow morning. 33 for napa. widespread low 40s around the bay.
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and for the imland areas upper 30s to low 40s for you. as we get into the afternoon temperatures rebounding once again. mid-60s san francisco. into the south bay a night day for you san jose. 69-72 mostly sunny skies. the extended forecast here notice temperatures continue to climb. wednesday is going to be the warmest day. thursday, friday, and now with your bay area weekend always in view for you. notice the temperatures are coolest come the weekend. we do remain dry, though. the first chance for rain will come on veteran's day. a one of a kind circus is coming to the area. raising the big top for a high flying performance. and the twitter title goes to katy perry. and you can watch all of our newscast live on your computer, smart phone or tablet. get the app or go witness
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quarterbacks. dd
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now trending at high flying acrobatics show on the way to the bay area. upcoming protection of analuna. going to end through through
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the end of the year. clicking the link under hot tippics. the oakland a's are denying a report they are moving across the bay to the san francisco giant's ballpark. reporting that major league baseball is willing to hammer out a deal to temporarily share at&t park with the giants. right now trying to negotiate a short-term two-year lease at the coliseum but the call can see yum wants a larger agreement. the team intendses to extend it's lease in oakland and "look forward to another great season." katy perry has now surpassed justin beiber. 48.8 million followers. beiber had the most for 9 months. her facebook friends now close to 60 million. thank you for making ktvu
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your choice for use. our o coverage continues with the 10:00 news and tonight the faa decision that would allow more planes to land in bad weather. tmz is up next right here on tv 36.
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>> today on "tmz" -- >> let's get to work, everybody! welcome, first order of business, josh, jibs and jabs brolin. >> the morning after halloween. got into a couple incidents. >> he was out solo? where are his friends. >> if you drink seven nights a week, it's hard to come up with a friend for saturday or sunday. >> kendall jenner is now 18. which means she can now do porn. >> she is not doing porn? >> why not? kim went that route? >> kim was like the sacrifice, though. so others wouldn't have to -- [laughter]


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